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 Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry

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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
51PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 04, 2016 2:49 pm

Edit to my #50 for Reg 2 be sure :

Here's an extract and a link 2 a french article about the nano technological threats
published in the scientific " Science & Avenir " journal in october 2014
( previously called " Science & Vie " at the time i suscribed for years in my mid teen )

"Le cerveau humain serait en danger. Avec comme plus grande menace, Google. Voilà résumée vulgairement la conférence que vient de donner Laurent Alexandre à Monaco, lors des Assises de la sécurité et des systèmes d'information (SSI), un rendez-vous pour les décisionnaires dans le domaine qui s'est tenu du 1er au 4 octobre 2014 . Chouchou des médias (il a le droit à sa tribune dans Le Monde, fait l'objet d'un portrait élogieux sur Libération, et passe régulièrement à la radio), il faut dire que l'homme a de quoi susciter l'intérêt.

D'abord, son curriculum vitae (presque louche) à faire rougir un académicien : chirurgien-urologue et neurobiologiste, diplômé de Sciences Po, de HEC et de l'ENA. Fondateur et développeur de et d'une dizaine d'entreprises high-tech, il dirige aujourd'hui DNAVision, une entreprise spécialisée dans le décryptage du génome humain. Et puis, il y a son discours engagé, péremptoire mais passionné, parfois volontairement exagéré mais qui fait souvent mouche.

Voici en substance les arguments avancés lors de cette conférence (visionnable dans son intégralité en fin de l'article).

Un continuum entre le cerveau et l'intelligence artificielle

Dès l'introduction, le Dr Alexandre entre dans le vif du sujet : les NBIC (voir encadré ci-dessous), ces fameuses technologies, qu'il avait déjà attaqué lors du TEDx Paris 2012.

Les NBIC. C'est le sigle utilisé pour désigner un champ scientifique multidisciplinaire au carrefour des Nanotechnologies, des Biotechnologies, de l'Informatique et dessciences Cognitives.

Et le quinquagénaire hyperactif n'a peur de rien. La preuve, sa principale cible n'est autre que le géant... Google. Pour le Dr Alexandre, les instruments destinés à (ou tout au moins capables de) manipuler le cerveau sont dans les mains des Gafa (ces quatre grandes firmes du numérique que sont Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon), en passe de devenir les leaders mondiaux des NBIC. Pour hacker le cerveau, les outils sont nombreux : ADN, nanotechnologies, BigData, traces laissées sur le Web, dossier médical, prothèses électroniques, objets connectés...

Car si jusque-là, la peur des NBIC relevait de la science-fiction, attendons de voir ce que nous réserve la réalité dans les prochaines décennies. Et vu le nombre de tweets envoyés sur la conférence, force est de constater que le sujet intrigue.

Entre l'intelligence artificielle et les neurosciences, il n'y aura pas de différence à terme, parce qu'un cerveau c'est un ordinateur fait de viande

"Notre identité est fondée sur notre cerveau", explique Laurent Alexandre. Mais un continuum est en train de s'établir entre le cerveau biologique, l'intelligence artificielle et les neurosciences". D'ailleurs, les objets connectés, ces extensions de notre corps et de notre cerveau, servent déjà en quelque sorte d'assistants neuronaux. A terme, plus de différence donc entre l'intelligence artificielle et l'intelligence "biologique"? C'est bien possible. En fait, selon lui, c'est même sûr. Volontairement provoquant, il déclame : "Entre l'intelligence artificielle et les neurosciences, il n'y aura pas de différence à terme, parce qu'un cerveau c'est un ordinateur fait de viande".
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
52PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 04, 2016 5:00 pm

reg, #48

reg said: As I said before, I don't think the majority of these implants are either physical or intentional on the part of humans. That said, something exists but I see humanity far more still in a chaotic, irrational phase to implement such a huge plan. We can say that if you are living in the spirit world for decades, you certainly have the time to do stuff like that, plus the amassed Theocratic energies are more than what one spirit can do for a lifetime. I think Deagle is a little bit paranoid, and makes a convincing case out of many casual observations, but the end result is still questionable. As with many people of a paranoid mindset, there is frequently something interesting or substantial in his theories, but the whole point of starting to think onwards from the War in Heaven tilt is that
1. abusive and manipulative energies do exist, but
2. they are mostly in the astral sphere, not as intelligence services, and IMHO living beings who are influenced by them for profit or power simply do not understand the basics of long-term thinking - karma. I do think intelligence services can be quite malevolent and display an unbelievable collective cruelty - see the remaining KGB staff that populates and rules some of Eastern Europe. But they are neither intelligent enough, nor are they organized enough - except for a few rare negative peaks of history such as the final years of Nazi Germany or the Soviet story.
RR's response: I agree with everything you just said, and would like to add that modern psychology describes how irrational and rational fears tend to reinforce one another. And of course lots of people who practice mind control on either the earth plane or the astral plane make a strenuous effort to profit from this.

reg said: This question is like the existence of physical UFO people on Earth - something exists out there, and there are mysteries, it is easy to draw the conclusion that physical ships are out there and governments conceal it, but spiritual people do not take it literally. Carl Jung believed that the UFO phenomenon many people told him about towards the end of his life is a potent collective symbol, though as a scientist he was not excluding the idea of other life forms visiting us some time.
RR's response: Again I agree, and it looks to me like people throughout history have taken an equally ambivalent attitude towards the physical existence of "supeior beings" versus a purely spiritual existence.

reg said: Physical implants would have been found long ago by X-rays etc.
RR's response: This was my own attitude throughout most of my life, but recent scientific studies of how the brain and nervous system function are introducing complications. A physical implant consisting of organic material wouldn't show up on X-rays, and the idea of a "software implant" produced by reprogramming existing nerve tissue complicates this issue even more. RB has been posting about this for a long time, and I take everythin he says very seriously, though I don't have the background knowledge to completely understand all of it.

reg said: On the other hand, I don't look down upon people who still believe in conspiracy theories - I myself have been through that. Perhaps it is a phase of the Information Society we are developing into. An exotic belief will galvanize your neurotransmitters like having an extra cup of coffee... What is more, some people who are willing to experiment with that sort of thinking have a lot of deeper stability at another level. That is why they are willing to experiment. For years I believed physical implants installed by governments could be true (though I was never sure - and I was usually more convinced of this late at night or when I had a lack of sleep). After long reflection and hard data coming in through the comings and goings of recent human history, such as the narratives of the former Soviet state or the painstaking historical research on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust...
RR's response: I agonied over this for years before I made my 1983 breakthrough, but since then I have found that the model of mind-control described in WiH can be applied to explain just about all conspiracy theory evidence I come across.

reg, #49

reg said: Come to think about it, these days I have something like a developing defence mechanism. It is a peculiar sort of silence that came to me - first time since years - when I contemplated the future developments possible on this planet. Most of all, the telepathy that could come to reality in a later phase (hope we stay alive, some of us at least). It will come through silence, not codes. Yet I do not dispute the importance of codes - from the words of Buddha to WiH or this forum - somehow talk comes to whispers and silent suggestions.
RR's response: my experience is that the codes work by invoking the silent suggestions, not by directly communicating infromatuion.

reg said: Art - especially the nonfigurative, abstract kind - has also affected me this way if it was interesting. It does not have to have a great content from an art critic's POV - and I grew up among artists.
RR's response: My experience is that creating abstract art myself is a powerful stimulation to this faculty.

reg said: Also, quiet walks or sitting on a train and window-watching. (As long as you have your ticket validated.) Also walking my dog. I was not a dog person but I started to learn from this smart animal - at times I have a thought that we two could be in telepathic contact. I live in a densely populated area so I have to take her on a leash most of the time. Sometimes my dog reacts right away - she pulls far gentler. To appreciate this you must know that my dog grew up in a country yard, at times wandering around the village, but for seven years out of her ten years of life, she had never been on a leash. I think many pets have this screening or protective ability for humans. Cats certainly do. Plus many beings are smarter when you believe in their possible smartness. I did go through idealizing some animals and wrongly believing that they were in concert when they were really not.
RR's response: This may explain why I've spent so much time relating to pets and farm animals over the course of a long life.

reg said: I have always believed in telepathic abilities except I very rarely experienced them myself. These days it happens more frequently that I think of someone and they call or they confirm later that they also thought about me. If many of us are developing towards telepathy anyway, what is the sense of microchips and all?
RR's response: It's obvious only a small minority of the earth's total present population falls into the category you're describing, so the majority may have to be educated by means of microchips and the like.

reg said: However, back to the thread subject, I think you develop silence and nourish it and then some amount of telepathy can break through. Not before. So my advice would be to cultivate a lot of inner silence, communicate with some beings that are safe to communicate with - cats and dogs are safe to try. Babies are also great from this point of view. And you will be screened with thicker and thicker fog of protection - in a positive sense, think about rainy vapor that surrounds a plant leaf, or an octopus that surrounds itself with 'ink." So curiously enough, one countermeasure to psychic implants could be where thoughts of telepathy could lead.
RR's response: IMO not even the Buddha and other great spiritual teachers were actually able to teach people how to "cultivate inner silence". It's just something people have to drift into naturally, as you have been describing here.

reg said: And if I interpret RR's words correctly in an important post above referring to the Shaver mysteries, you can deactivate physical or semiphysical things by human software. I do have this experience now. It is like I thought my computer had a hardware problem because I could not watch films with my favorite headset any more. I told my IT helper and I was disappointed when he was just fixing the software and removing hardware warranty. Then we installed Windows 10 and suddenly the same headset was working in the same jack.
RR's response: Yes! This is something that even the wisest psychologists and philosophers didn't describe prior to the Information Revolution.

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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
53PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyTue Aug 02, 2016 5:54 am

Here's a talk about official frequency, electrical or light based
physico mind control technology experiments in Lausanne by
Dr Alim Louis Benabid. Pratically everything he declares or
he shows has something wrong : he even aknowledge the
occurence of brain lesions while the technology
operates. RR he say he's born in 1942 and
talk repeatedly about a breakthrough.
Works in Geneva, France & Lausanne
in september 2015, i sense
he's one of the worst brain
called Louis BFG 1000 in
zhe X-OR channeling

How long do you
sense remaining
skanding by ?
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
54PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyTue Aug 02, 2016 8:15 pm

My Guides have never sent me much technical information of this type, because my job is to channel and publish material like that in WiH and many of my postings here on You are the expert on this, and I do my best to understand your messages but am rarely able to make significant comments.
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
55PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyWed Aug 03, 2016 1:07 am

SR#54 :

Hey Kyle, be sure & do nah for a second think i imagine you yourself
being Alim Louis !!! Remember or watch again zhe X-OR episode 44 channeling :
Space People were aware you, me, Japan amd zhe USZA ( represented by Kendji Oba X-OR )
would ewankually have to cope wizh Dagon and close crooks like this guy.

He and 5 other persons, cons or mind controled, recenkly sequestrated and did wrong to Hyper Lady DB A

She amd i kem send you zome Hum wybe bu it's really tiring, dangerous and very
uncomfortable to do for the above reasons : no recank phone or physical comkak since early june

PM me 4 your awizemed command SR
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
56PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptySun Aug 07, 2016 8:03 am

Re-reading your recent posts with this disguised spelling (which certainly makes them less searchable by bots) I have the impression that we are facing similar problems, that is, a host of people around us, including significant others, being subjected to the vilest 7th stage MC attempts... resulting in distorted communication and hyperactivity among other things.
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
57PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 9:11 am

the 6th & 7th mind & physico - mind control remain active :
we handle individual's zpirigh psychologiez and defusing this teck
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
58PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 12:26 pm

I am just listening to this interesting lecture you posted, RB. One reason I decided to view it is because I am anyway involved in medical translations between English and Hungarian.
Appears that these are local implants using low-Hertz signals to control tremor and other stuff with Parkinson's disease, which is a laudable task. They used to experiment with controlled lesions with some results but from what I understand so far that was not easy - the artificial lesions won't go away even if they are in an incorrect place. It is paramount according to this doctor where exactly implants are - I just wonder what kind of energy source they have...

Are these people supposed to change batteries in their brain time to time? It would make more sense to have an EM receiver getting energy from somewhere - the source would be smaller than a cell phone today.

Interesting that 50 Hz increases signals and 160 Hz decreases sensitivity - people observed already that simply hearing infra sounds around 50 Hz makes them nervous. The deeper sounds of the musical scale sound around 160. (You can try a free frequency generator if you simply want to listen. I even have an app on my phone with sinus frequency as having a few hertzes of a difference between two stereo sinus waves will induce an audio effect called binaural which can have very positive effects from simple sedation to increasing concentration.)
As I said many times before, I experiment with simpler skin electrodes and various frequencies to fight viruses etc. and I recently experimented with acupuncture plus this. I had needles in the painful places of my head and face (I have severe sinus pain coming possibly from mishandled dental work) and I actually led the low-freq electricity from my "zapper" into them. It had a pretty strong effect against my headache, although acupuncture already works by itself...

Will keep on listening.

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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
59PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptySat Sep 24, 2016 1:15 pm

Yesterday an itinerant mineral seller
introduced me 2 zhe rare russian mineral shungite ( coming from a 2 Billions years deposit )
amd emphasized zhe mineral az having noticable shielding properties on electro magnetic fields

it would be an electro magnetic fields diffractor, interceptor, absorber

He had many shaped / sized shungite stones
priced from a few euros to a hundred euros : afcoeur some research
i still wonder about its properties but it's fullerene content has been used in nano technologies
& military electromagnetic shielding : its jet black color remember me of zome anti radar airplanez

Zhe guy told me he will be selling again ak zhe Perpignan Biocoop Cosmo Organic shop on thursday
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
60PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptySat Sep 24, 2016 3:22 pm

RB, #59:

I did some Googling on "shungite" and "fullerines" and all I found out was that there's now a lot of research into both, but the only explicit conclusions about them seem to have been drawn by obvious pseudoscientists. So for the moment I'm waiting for findings that impressive the scientific establishment enough to attract media attention.
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
61PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyFri Oct 07, 2016 10:45 am

today and recently very powerfull
sleep forcing products on Hyper Lady DB Ankarez :
even programing my loud 15 min alarm clock
doesn't allow me 2 wake up if i let my head on my pillow

awakenings from dreamless sleeps that can last less or more than one
hour with the impression of hearing 6th mind control operor during sleep
and with objects oppression impressions happening shortly afker i awake

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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
62PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptySat Oct 08, 2016 10:58 am

last post time numerology was modified by a forum member who
has posted a message on this thread just before i posted mine :
this blocked my #61 from posting in real time by sending me  
" a message has been posted just while you were writing you, do you still want to post it "
i read that notice realising my message hadn't been posted in real time i some minutes later
and when i looked at the thread the other member message didn't appear \ had been deleted

so the 07: 45 numerology should reactivate the Hitler trick, just as my FB account number of
friends zhak i've reduced from 47 to 45 willingly in the last monthes as i had 2 friends i hadn't
met and whom i could have some doubts about in the past monthes moments of terrorist climate :
amd i can openly say i akually hawe a friend request from Brazilian individualz i hawe nah oked eizher yek
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
63PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyMon Oct 10, 2016 6:25 am

about the intestinal attached cord and temperature variations used again :
2 reaszure amy new physic or psychic witneszez this has been used in the past
and i now have the impression adwanced zpirigh let the cord be installed as an evil retard certificate
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
64PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyFri Oct 14, 2016 11:49 am

Best insighk honcerning how 2 untie
a criminaly organised siuation around Hyper Lady DB Ankarez :

- if codename trick Crow
 appears involved & conpromised :
 a use of freely organised pressure coward him

- if codename Si is inwolfed
 ( by a friend of codename t C acording 2 USZ intelligence ):
 an addition of freely organised strong use of element steel / iron

ewenkually wondering abou my private comversation wizh amozher Lady ?

i've alwayz been twice more talkatiwe, genkle time - wise & incikimg in our talk
yek i have no info or newz 2 wrike zhak would be of any use or indicate amy upcoming
shared efforkz : so a VERY probable mind control or at best a willed distance for amy reason of herz
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
65PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptySat Oct 15, 2016 8:50 am

Updake on my #64 :

if 7th physico mind is used on Hyper Lady DB Ankarez in semi automatised or automatised
mode, i of course am solid gutted & hearked 2 zuperwize her calm zekurimg :

honcerning a uzefull purposed pressure on codename t C
( in case of most wicked treason and acual play with our Ladiz & Genklemen balls )
what i'm refering 2 iz a short range and permanenk physical & psychical pressure :
using accessories that were used on Ladiz, male toys and ... things like solid or paint ballz
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
66PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 09, 2016 2:11 pm

7th stage mind or physico mind control nano tech
harms and damages brain tissues ( micro cuts and lesions )

AB / organic walnutz are deliciouz amd probably good for zhe brain :
remember 2 eat quike a lot of it ( yummy incorporated in muesli + chocolake for eggample ) for zome time afcoeur healing
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
67PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyFri Nov 25, 2016 4:00 pm

during the 2016 june 23 additional brain operations (#39 update )

i sensed flat multi centimeter thin lamellas being placed horizontally over Hyper Lady DB Ankarez cranium left and righ side over the ears
and had the impression that it could be a scan or nano chains reservoirs in case of supplementary oral intake impossibilityor just to hide the
fillling of her pericranial liquid with a redundant implant taking another dispatched components form / placement / configuration that would be unnoticed during the 1st implant zukcezfull removal
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
68PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyThu Dec 22, 2016 1:03 pm

technologies for people to move a cpu mouse cursor
with their eyesight or for mute persons to input a screen
or a speech emulator or another person's brain with the thought they want to say
have been developped, operational and inproving for years : to comsider in zhe 7th stage mind control " bag of tricks " hacking vigilance
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
69PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyWed Jan 11, 2017 2:08 am

perhaps a healing technique
can be found in technique the brain issue not from the nano ship end
but from the dendrite end ( or in between linkages ) :

a dendrite iz a hum organic neural connexion :
our dendrites vary in quanties, forms and  size,
ikz alzo zhe name of zhe unique original extensions found
at their extremities transmiting infinite comfiguration of info packagez ak varying intensitie

accoording to William Deagle, mercury found old vaccine would damage dendrites by cutting zhem
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70PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyWed Jan 11, 2017 2:53 am

wakck out for high mercury foods such as deep diving sea fish
and to mercury oxyde (a yellow and maybe nano sized pills / food coloring ) : contains mercury

here a french professional shop szelling mercury oxyde by 20 ounces bucksz

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71PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyThu Jan 26, 2017 9:45 am

inportant / incorptemps enough  :

puking my phone alarm clock
at 08 : 00 PM tonight ( UTC - GMT + 1 )
i will operate an astral toilet for 10 minutes
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72PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyThu Jan 26, 2017 9:58 am

and at 07 : 15 PM too
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73PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyFri Jan 27, 2017 3:16 pm

same thing at 01 : 00 AM
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74PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyTue Feb 07, 2017 4:58 am

Humderzkandimg scalar air technologies

accoeurdimg 2 my humble underzkanding :

=> the particles composition and physical properties
of the entire  " surface 2 mesosphere " air volume iz analysed amd modeled in real time

=> the new 2015 oxygen fuelled electric generation facilitiesz openly operating on the American
groumd (maybe untold elsewhere too ) can change the global air volume composition and directions

=> meteorologic satellites used as scalar eyes and active quantum physics functions
can create, thread amd stroll air vortexes from the mesosphere down to the ground by messin
the ozone " space 2 atmosphere " layer and experimenting with "mainly spatial " physical particles such as muons
: any physical object's physical form amd volume can also be mapped and targeted on selected part by gusts of air

Godeszez / Godsz are akiwely prokekimg az mamy zurfacez phyzikal zubzkamce, objeksz, Lifeformsz amd imdiwidualz
from these amd are awear Hum beig are fully able 2 adwamce, liwe, care amd love / highw each ozherz wizh crikikal " good zuperzkamdimg "
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
75PostSubject: Re: Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry   Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 EmptyTue Feb 07, 2017 7:34 am

Here's how funny the mind wars look from the outside. Last night, I had a dream which showed Trump's staff puttng together a propaganda display of some kind. One of the items showed a bag labeled "Trump" on top of a bag labeled "Bread": I assume it was intended to tout the idea that Dipshit Donald actually feeds the poor. Then there was a re-shuffling of the display, and the "Trump" bag was shown sitting on one labeled "Pain": I assume to convey DT's opinion that the press is a pain in the ass. I know enough French to spot the bi-lingual pun immediately, and I take this as evidence the that 7ST Guides running Siggy these days also take a crack at me once in a while. I'm sure they know they can't turn me or harm me, but they can at least show me I'm not completely invulnerable to psychic mind-control energies.

After I recalled this on awakening, I also started thinking about the Latin phrase meaning "Give them bread and circuses." I'm wondering if the Latin "panem" is related to a word meaning "fear" in ancient Latin or Greek, though I couldn't Google up more information on this. And I know from my own memory that "circenses" was derived from the Greek "kyklos" meaning "circle". The original Greek word has a number of descendants in modern English, the best-known being "cycle". And I've always cringed when I read that the name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from it. (Yes, some Esoteric Freemasons in the post Civil War South became terrorist bigots.)

Anyway, I'm wondering what you think about this. Should I post the above in Siggy's SOTS group?

Last edited by Realityrebel on Wed Feb 08, 2017 1:20 am; edited 2 times in total
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Handling the 7th stage physico-mind control circuitry - Page 3 Empty
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